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Contact details of the company

Address: Beijing Enhalor International Tech Co.Ltd.Room 501,Hongyuan Fengheng Building.Building 18,District 16,No.188 South Fourth Ring West Road,Fengtai District,Beijing (100070)

Tel: 86-10-62142592
Fax: 86-10-62122177
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact details of the factory

Address: No.5, 5th Planning Street, Huoxian Village South, Huoxian Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Tel: 86-10-80582322
Fax: 86-10-80581353


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Office Address:Beijing Enhalor International Tech Co.Ltd.Room 501,Hongyuan Fengheng Building.Building 18,District 16,No.188 South Fourth Ring West Road,Fengtai District,Beijing (100070)

Plant Address:No.5, 5th Planning Street, Huoxian Village South, Huoxian Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Phone:010-62142592/62142593 Fax:010-6212217

E-mail:[email protected]

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